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buyer’s usance credit
买方远期信用证  detail>>
usance credit
远期信用证 远期信用状  detail>>
buyer credit
买方信贷  detail>>
usance credit payment at sight
假远期信用证  detail>>
usance letter of credit
远期信用证 在习惯期限内支付的信用状  detail>>
usance payment credit
远期支付信用证  detail>>
usance payment letter of credit
远期信用状  detail>>
bc buyer credit
买方信贷 密送的副本  detail>>
buyer buying on credit
挂帐  detail>>
at usance
在习惯期限内支付 在习惯期支付  detail>>
t usance
按期支付  detail>>
 n.  1.【商业】支付汇票的习惯期限,支付期票的期限。 2.【经济学】利得;(高利贷的)利息。 3.〔古语〕使用;惯例,习惯。 &nbs...  detail>>
 n.  1.买方;买主。 2.采购员,货物代办人。  detail>>
by the buyer
当顾客将暂时的协议变成确认的许诺时  detail>>
bill at usance
见票或到期后分次承付的票据 远期汇票  detail>>
dollar usance
美元票据的支付期限  detail>>
payable at a usance
远期付款, 支付外国汇票在一定的习惯期限  detail>>
payable at usance
远期付款  detail>>